PublicationsShort-chain isoprenyl diphosphate synthases of lavender (Lavandula)
Adal AM and Mahmoud SS (2020). Plant Molecular Biology, 102(4-5):517-535. doi: 10.1007/s11103-020-00962-8 Diverse transcription factors control monoterpene synthase expression in lavender (Lavandula
Sarker LS, Adal AM and Mahmoud SS (2020). Planta, 251(1):5. doi: 10.1007/s00425-019-03298-w Cloning and functional characterization of a floral repressor gene from Lavandula angustifolia
Wells RS, Adal AM, Bauer L, Najafianashrafi E and Mahmoud SS (2020). Planta, 251(2):41. doi: 10.1007/s00425-019-03333-w. A lavender ABC transporter confers resistance to monoterpene toxicity in yeast
Demissie ZA, Tarnowycz M, Adal AM, Sarker LS and Mahmoud SS (2019). Planta, 249(1):139–144. doi: 10.1007/s00425-018-3064-x RNA-Seq in the discovery of a sparsely expressed scent-determining monoterpene synthase in lavenders (Lavandula)
Adal AM, Sarker LS, Malli RPN, Liang P and Mahmoud SS (2019). Planta, 249(1):271–290. doi: 10.1007/s00425-018-2935-5 De novo sequencing of the Lavandula angustifolia genome reveals highly duplicated and optimized features for essential oil production
Malli RPN, Adal AM, Sarker LS, Liang P and Mahmoud SS (2019). Planta, 249(1):251–256. doi: 10.1007/s00425-018-3012-9 An assessment of plant DNA barcodes for the identification of cultivated Lavandula (Lamiaceae) taxa
Hind KR, Adal AM, Upson TM and Mahmoud SS (2018). Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, 16:459-466. Lavandula essential oils: a current review of applications in medicinal, food, and cosmetic industries of lavender
Wells RS, Truong F, Adal AM, Sarker LS and Mahmoud SS (2018). Natural Product Communications, 13(10):1403-1417. Isolation and functional characterization of a methyl jasmonate-responsive 3-carene synthase from Lavandula x intermedia
Adal AM, Sarker LS, Lemke AD and Mahmoud SS (2017). Plant Molecular Biology, 93:641-657. doi: 10.1007/s11103-017-0588-6 EST-SSR Analysis and Cross-species Transferability Study in Lavandula
Adal AM, Demissie ZA and Mahmoud SS (2016) . Bio-protocol 6(15): e1891.
Antifungal Screening of Lavender Essential oils and Essential Oil Constituen ts on three Post-harvest Fungal Pathogens
Erland LAE, Bitcon CR, Lemke AD and Mahmoud SS (2016). NATURAL PRODUCTS COMMUNICATIONS 11(4): 523-527 Cloning and functional characterization of two monoterpene acetyltransferases from glandular trichomes of L. x intermedia
Sarker LS and Mahmoud SS (2015). Planta, 242, 709–719. doi: 10.1007/s00425-015-2325-1 Identification, validation and cross-species transferability of novel Lavandula EST-SSRs
Adal AM, Demissie ZA, and Mahmoud SS (2014). Planta 241(4): 987-1004. DOI 10.1007/s00425-014-2226-8 An efficient method for the regeneration of lavandin (L. x intermedia cv Grosso)Erland LAE and SS Mahmoud (2014). In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology - Plant 50 (5): 646-654. DOI 10.1007/s11627-014-9614-4 The biosynthetic origin of irregular monoterpenes in LavandulaDemissie ZA, Erland LAE, Rheault MR and SS Mahmoud (2013)
The Journal of Biological Chemistry 288 (9): 6333-6341 Cloning of a sesquiterpene synthase from Lavandula x intermedia glandular trichomesSarker LS, Demissie ZA and SS Mahmoud (2013)
Planta 238:983-989 Molecular cloning and functional characterization of borneol dehydrogenase from the glandular trichomes of Lavandula x intermediaSarker LS, Galata M, Demissie ZA and SS Mahmoud (2012)
Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 528(2):163-170 Cloning, functional characterization and genomic organization of 1,8-cineole synthases from LavandulaDemissie ZA, Cella MA, Sarker LS, Thompson TJ, Rheault MR and SS Mahmoud (2012)
Plant Molecular Biology 79: 393-411 Medicinal lavender modulates the enteric microbiota to protect against Citrobacter rodentium-induced colitisBaker J, Brown K, Rajendiram E, Yip A, DeCoffe D, Dai C, Molcan E, Chittick SA, Ghosh S, Mahmoud S and DL Gibson (2012)
American Journal of Physiology - Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology 303:G825-G836 Cloning and functional characterization of β-phellandrene synthase from Lavandula angustifolia
Demissie ZA, Sarker L, and SS Mahmoud (2011)
PLANTA 233: 685-696. Biosynthesis and therapeutic properties of Lavandula essential oil constituents
Woronuk G, Demissie ZA, Rheault M, and SS Mahmoud (2011)
PLANTA MED 77(1): 7-15. A Genomics resource for investigating regulation of essential oil production in L. angustifolia
Lane A, Boeckelmann A, Woronuk G, Sarker L, and SS Mahmoud (2010)
PLANTA 231: 835-845. An efficient method for the micropropagation of lavenders: regeneration of a unique mutant
Falk L, Biswas, K, Boeckelmann A, Lane A, and SS Mahmoud (2009) JOURNAL OF ESSENTIAL OIL RESEARCH. 21: 225-228 Suppression of linalool acetate production in Lavandula x intermedia
(2009) Desautels A, Biswas K, Lane A, Boeckelmann A, and SS Mahmoud. NATURAL PRODUCT COMMUNICATIONS, 4: 1533-1536. Analysis of essential oils derived from lavender plants produced through tissue culture, and their potential uses for repelling insects.Grant N Woronuk, Amy Desautels, Carly Hoffman, Lukman S Sarker, Soheil S Mahmoud. 2010. Investment Agriculture Foundation of British Columbia. Pp 1-12
Lavender: To Grow or Not to Grow...Selecting lavender cultivars for the Okanagan Valley of British Columbia
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